Wells Fargo Advisors to host free workshop – Sept. 30th

September 9, 2014

“Strategies for Maximizing Social Security 
Benefits at Retirement”

How and when you will access your benefits are very important decisions you’ll 
face when planning for retirement. One size doesn’t fit all!

Tuesday, September 30th  at 5:30pm

Wells Fargo Advisors Conference Room

190 Biltmore Ave   

Asheville, NC  28801

Guest Speaker:

Brad Larson – Allianz Life Financial Services



Matt Dickelman                                              Tanya Frisbee                        
Financial Advisor                                           Financial Advisor                        
Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC                           Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC

For more information, please contact Matt or Tanya.

Please RSVP as space is limited. (828)258-0546

Dinner will be provided

This presentation is sponsored and financially supported by 
Allianz Life Financial Services and will be educational in nature.

No specific company products will be discussed.