Van Winkle attorney co-hosts construction law training for state-wide bar

February 24, 2014

Attorney W. James Johnson is serving as co-host and planner of the North Carolina Bar Association’s Construction Law Section 2014 Winter Program on February, 27 in Cary, NC. The title of the program is “An Advanced Study of Suretyship—Performance and Payment Bond Claims and Defenses.”

The course offers continuing education to attorneys across North Carolina and provides an in-depth review of payment and performance bonds, which are required on all public construction projects, both federal and state. The course will offer detailed analysis of prosecuting and defending claims brought against payment and performance bonds under the Federal Miller Act, and will examine how this Federal body of law affects similar claims under North Carolina’s Little Miller Act. A thorough understanding of these areas of the law is essential for lawyers assisting owners, sureties, contractors and subcontractors on bonded construction projects.

Johnson is a principal with The Van Winkle Law Firm and an active member of the Construction Law Section. His practice serves clients in the construction industry including owners, contractors and design professionals in North and South Carolina.  In addition to serving as co-planner of the Construction Law Winter Program, Johnson has also presented at numerous section CLEs and is a published author concerning many construction law topics.

For more information about registering for the program, visit For more information about Johnson and the Van Winkle Law firm, visit