T.H.E. Center for Disordered Eating appoints new executive director

June 28, 2017

Simone Seitz has been named the next Executive Director of T.H.E. Center for Disordered Eating by the association’s Governing Board. Seitz will officially assume this new role on May 24, 2017. In partnership with the board of directors, Simone will lead T.H.E. Center for Disordered Eating in fulfilling its mission, vision, and strategic plan.

Seitz served on the organization’s young task force and developing board from 2005-’08. Having returned to sit on the board of directors in 2015, she brought invaluable experience and vitality to T.H.E. Center. “We are thrilled to welcome Simone as our new Executive Director.  She’s already contributed so much to our organization.  Her energy and commitment to our mission is going to make our goal of helping those with eating disorders even more attainable,” said Marybeth Burns, board president for T.H.E Center for Disordered Eating and recovery advocate.  
With significant experience in for-profit and non-profit management, Seitz will advance the association’s current strategic plan and guide the organization’s future contributions.  “This is an opportunity and responsibility that I am honored to accept. I look forward to strategically building upon thirteen years of serving individuals with disordered eating and body image issues and developing meaningful relationships with our members, partners, and supporters,” says Seitz. 

T.H.ECenter for Disordered Eating, founded in 2004 and located in the heart of Asheville, is a free support network for families and individuals, health care providers, educators, and the general public. The organization serves thousands through community education, advocacy, referral, lending library, support groups, and connection to many resources through its helpline and website. 

Treatment: Facilitating a network of health care professionals to increase the availability of treatment resources for disordered eating. Healing:Reaching out to those affected by disordered eating to provide hope and resources for healing. Education: Educating and raising awareness about the dangers and consequences of disordered eating.

Create a community that embraces healthy lifestyles free of disordered eating.

Mobilize support and provide resources for those affected by disordered eating and related body issues.  Save lives, give, hope, raise awareness, and provide education to diminish the pervasiveness of anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating disorder.  

Hope, compassion, education, self-acceptance and confidentiality.

For more information visit:  www.thecenternc.org Marybeth Burns, Board President, T.H.E. Center, marybeth@summitresults.com828-388-4448
Simone Seitz, Executive Director, T.H.E. Center, simone@thecenternc.org828-337-4685