Seats available for RiverLink’s Friday Salon

February 17, 2014

There is still time to reserve your seat for the Friday Salon with Dr. Frank Kalinowski. The 2014 series is entitled “The American Constitution: The Logic of Law and the Consequences for the Nation.”
The purpose of these interactive lectures is to explore a deeper understanding of environmental issues and to attempt the placement of these issues in a larger social, political and historic context.
Each lecture will take place from 3-5 pm at the riverLink offices on Friday afternoons. The dates and topics for the Friday Salon are as follows:
February  21 – “How the Supreme Court Shapes Policy: Governmental Power, Civil Liberties, and Civil Rights.”
March 21, April 18, and May 16 – “Environmental Legacies: Politics, Policy, and American National Character.”
The Friday Salon series is free and open to the public. However, space is limited for these talks. Attendees will be able to make a one-time or standing reservation depending on schedule. 
Registration is available online at