There is still time to reserve your seat for the Friday Salon with Dr. Frank Kalinowski. The 2014 series is entitled “The American Constitution: The Logic of Law and the Consequences for the Nation.”
The purpose of these interactive lectures is to explore a deeper understanding of environmental issues and to attempt the placement of these issues in a larger social, political and historic context.
Each lecture will take place from 3-5 pm at the riverLink offices on Friday afternoons. The dates and topics for the Friday Salon are as follows:
February 21 – “How the Supreme Court Shapes Policy: Governmental Power, Civil Liberties, and Civil Rights.”
March 21, April 18, and May 16 – “Environmental Legacies: Politics, Policy, and American National Character.”
The Friday Salon series is free and open to the public. However, space is limited for these talks. Attendees will be able to make a one-time or standing reservation depending on schedule.