RiverLink gearing up for Voices of the River contest

January 27, 2015

RiverLink’s annual program, Voices of the River, would like to invite all students (K-12) of the French Broad Watershed to participate in creating art and poetry based on our local rivers. Participants are invited to describe in art and words what they see, feel, smell, hear, and think when near the river.

Submissions will be displayed in a month-long exhibit and judged by local artist and poets. Winners will be awarded prizes from various local sponsors.

Not only are they looking for beautiful art and poetry from local students, they are also looking for donations. Any help is welcome in-kind donations for the reception, gift certificates for prizes, as well as promotional funds. All donors will be given recognition during the reception/awards ceremony at AB Tech’s Holly Library on April 18th, 2015.

For more information on the Art and Poetry contest please visit: http://riverlink.org/learn/education-programs/poetry-contest/

Please contact RiverLink’s education coordinator about submissions, donations, or ways in which you can get involved.