Refresh Leadership Simulcast Live offered by local businesses – April 16th

April 8, 2014

Back for its fifth year, the Refresh Leadership Live Simulcast is your opportunity to come together with members of the business community to learn more about the principles of great leadership.

Great leaders are enablers of ambition, asserting their influence — rather than their authority — to inspire others to achieve. At the Refresh Leadership Live Simulcast, a distinguished lineup of speakers who have proven their mettle will share their insight and experience.

John Mackey, co-founder and co-CEO of Whole Foods Market 
“Conscious Leadership”
A strong believer in the free market principles, John Mackey co-founded the Conscious Capitalism Movement to challenge business leaders to rethink why their organizations exist and to acknowledge their roles in the interdependent global marketplace.  In his presentation, he’ll share how leaders can personally grow and evolve to, in turn, grow and engage employees and the company itself.

Dick Vitale, legendary sportscaster and former professional and college basketball coach
“The Game of Life”

Dick Vitale’s experience and enthusiasm for the game of basketball are unparalleled and his “Vitale-isms,” like “Awesome, baby!” and “diaper dandy” have taken on a life of their own. Seemingly emblematic of his own last name in that he’s always full of vitality, Vitale will share the lessons he has learned from sports for addressing the problems of life head-on, with boundless humor and optimism.

Christine Cashen, professional speaker and expert on handling conflict and stress to energize employees
“Stop Global Whining!”

Employees are all forced to do more with less these days – fewer staff, declining resources, and 40 hours of stuff to do in a 24-hour day. This can really wear everyone down! So what do you do? You can waste energy complaining, but how productive is that? Instead, be part of the solution! Christine will share the secret to getting what you want with what you’ve got to make a difference in your workplace and your life.

Date:  Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Place:  AB Tech Ferguson Auditorium

Tickets are $20 per person with all proceeds to benefit Eblen Charities.

Registration is required – visit

This event is sponsored by Express Employment Professionals and is possible in partnership with AB Tech, Eblen Charities, and the Andrew Institute for Leadership and Public Service.