Raleigh marketing guru comes to Asheville – Nov. 18th

November 11, 2014

Author and Raleigh-based marketing guru Karl Sakas is bringing his unique style of marketing expertise to Asheville’s premier marketing event – the quarterly luncheon sponsored by the American Advertising Federation – Asheville (AAFA).

Sakas, president of Agency Firefox and author of “Don’t Just Make the Logo Bigger,” shares his take on how to find the right clients, how to get clients to pay you what you’re worth and how to say “no” to those “clients from hell,” without burning bridges. Sakas is funny and informative – a mix that is sure to give marketing agency reps and freelancers a goodie-bag of ideas to take with them.
The event takes place Tuesday, November 18th, at Strada Italiano in downtown Asheville (27 Broadway), from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm.  Cost is $15 for members and $20 for guests (includes lunch).

Following his presentation, Sakas will preside over a Q&A to answer real-life questions about how to handle difficult client situations.  Sakas has been doing client service since he was 15 years old, when he started a web design and business consulting firm while in high school in the D.C. area. A fourth generation business owner, he’s led the business operations team at two different digital marketing agencies, and has 17+ years of consulting experience. He’s written three books about managing marketing agencies, including “The Agency Fast Track” series. 

AAF Asheville brings together the creative minds and diverse disciplines that make up WNC’s advertising industry. We’re a member of District 3 in the American Advertising Federation. AAF Asheville offers advertising expertise and support to the membership and the entire Western North Carolina community through self-regulation, education, professional development, communications and public service.