Public Meeting on Affordable Housing Solutions for Artists

March 15, 2017

CCCD to Host Public Meeting on Affordable Housing Solutions for Artists

Artspace, the national nonprofit leader in developing affordable artist live/work spaces to present in Asheville, NC

CCCD to Host Public Meeting on Affordable Housing Solutions for Artists

Artspace, the national nonprofit leader in developing affordable artist live/work spaces to present in Asheville, NC

ASHEVILLE, NC – On March 22 from 7-8:30 pm, The Center for Craft, Creativity & Design (CCCD) and Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce will host a public meeting on affordable housing solutions for artists, craftspeople and makers. The meeting will provide the public with an opportunity to engage with and learn from Artspace, a national non-profit organization based in Minneapolis, MN that specializes in creating, owning and operating affordable housing and studio/business space for artists and creative sector businesses.

The public meeting is the capstone to a three-day visit that will introduce the community to the Artspace leadership team. The visit kicks-off a year-long feasibility assessment and market study to determine the viability of an appropriately sized mixed-use affordable housing development for artists and creative sector businesses. The process is being guided by a leadership group that includes Asheville Mayor Esther Manheimer  and community leaders from The Center for Craft, Creativity & Design, Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce, MHAworks, City of Asheville, Community Foundation of Western North Carolina, UNC Asheville, and HomeTrust Bank.

Artspace is positioned to bring together the region’s creative sector, including arts organizations, artists and makers, through a community engagement process that results in actionable data for the purpose of developing affordable housing, studio space, and resources. The project represents a high impact investment that will strengthen the arts and cultural sector of the region while also promoting other types of economic development, such as talent attraction and retention.

“Artspace is at the forefront of the movement to develop affordable housing for artists and owns numerous projects around the state and country.  We are thrilled to bring their expertise to the area," says Stephanie Moore, Executive Director of CCCD. “Creatives benefit when they’re co-located together in spaces that are affordable and accessible. We need to support smart opportunities like this to ensure that Asheville's creative sector continues to thrive." 

Artspace begins each project with a comprehensive feasibility assessment including a market study to quantify a community’s creative sector, in-depth stakeholder engagement, and an analysis of potential development sites. The result is actionable data that can translate to appropriately-sized affordable mixed-use housing developments for artists and the creative sector. “If we can have more usable data about the arts and culture community, the possibility of more housing that will keep artists in Asheville, and identification of viable sites for this kind of development, that would be a win on all fronts,” said Kit Cramer, President/CEO of the Asheville Chamber.


Date and Time: Wednesday, March 22, 2017, 7 – 8:30 pm

Location: The Center for Craft, Creativity & Design, 67 Broadway Street, Asheville, NC 28801

Parking: Complimentary parking is available at HomeTrust Bank, located at 10 Woodfin Street, Asheville, NC 28801.

To learn more and RSVP for the event, visit


Background: In November 2015, The Center for Craft, Creativity & Design (CCCD) and the Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce partnered to increase the number of arts-based developments and affordable housing units for artists in Buncombe County. Artspace was selected as an ideal partner to support this project based on their national reputation as a nonprofit leader in arts-based development. Beginning in January 2016, CCCD and the Asheville Chamber launched a comprehensive community engagement process to build collective support and a funding strategy for this project.

Over the past year, CCCD and the Asheville Chamber have been successful in raising $70,000 to support the project with generous support provided by City of Asheville, Community Foundation of Western North Carolina, Ted & Terry Van Duyn, and Duke Energy Foundation. Buncombe County is currently considering a grant application to provide the final $28,000 needed to fully fund the due diligence efforts.


Established in 1979, Artspace is a national nonprofit real estate developer that specializes in creating, owning, and operating affordable housing and studio space for artists and creative sector businesses. They currently own and operate 42-projects across the country and have made over $700 million in real estate investments to-date.


Founded in 1996, The Center for Craft, Creativity & Design is a national 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing the field of craft through fostering new ideas, funding craft scholarship, and backing the next generation of makers, curators and critics. CCCD has developed a strong national reputation as a significant resource for artists, museums, academic researchers, university students and arts organizations. Each year, CCCD administers over a quarter million dollars in grants to those working in the craft field.


The Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce is a member organization with more than 1,700 member businesses and organizations. Chamber members collaborate with community organizations and coalitions to support the community and each other with the mission of building community through business. The Asheville Chamber focuses on growing jobs, serving as a voice for business and fostering member success. For more on the Asheville Chamber, visit