Photography, Art and Advertising: How to Tell Stories and Capture Your Audience with Images – Oct. 20

October 12, 2015

The American Advertising Federation ofAsheville (AAFA) invites the community to attend its first monthly program of the season, “Photography, Art and Advertising: How To Tell Stories and Capture Your Audience With Images,” presented by South Carolina photographic artist, Elle Olivia Andersen. Registration for the luncheon program is $18 for AAFA members and $22 for non-members. Advance registration required.

Photography, Art and Advertising

Tuesday, Oct. 20 AT 11:30 a.m.

Holiday Inn and Suites, Room 1

42 Tunnel Road, Asheville, NC

Elle Olivia Andersen is a photographer, artist, social scientist and storyteller currently residing in Columbia, South Carolina. Originally from Miami, Florida, her photographs have been recognized regionally and nationally by the Society for Photographic Education and Photolucida’s Critical Mass Top 200 in 2014, a prestigious and competitive fine art competition judged by leading editors and curators in the industry.
Photographs from her most recent series, “The Mountain Stands Still”, a two year project exploring the identity of people living in the Appalachian region of South Carolina, has been favorably received by editors at Smithsonian Magazine, Lenscratch and National Geographic Your Shot. She is also a contributing photographer of “Looking at Appalachia”, a crowd sourced photography project that explores the diversity of the region fifty years after the declaration of the War on Poverty with a creative visual counterpoint, a collaboration gaining rapid recognition in the media.

Andersen will share her knowledge on lighting, concept, composition and technique and will give an overview of the workflow in digital and film photography. She will also present tips for creating effective image content for blogging and social media and will present a case study of her experience hosting Smithsonian Magazine’s Instagram account, which engaged an audience of 42K followers from around the world.

For more information or to register, visit or email The registration deadline for “Photography, Art and Advertising” is Monday, October 19, 2015.