Paul Dunn LIVE: Unleashing the huge power of small to build an amazing business in amazing times

May 3, 2016

An amazing event for amazing times
This unique fast-paced, full-on, high impact event gives you unparalled skills and insights to build your business in these times in amazing ways — and it does it brilliantly by showing you how to unleash the power of tiny, tiny actions that make a signicant and positive difference to your business. Instantly. 

The ideas cost nothing to implement (because they’re so small) yet the impact they have is profound. Immediately. 

The Insights – what you get from this event
You’ll discover a host of ideas that build your business in unique ways. You discover

  • How to present your products and services in a totally new way – a way that builds trust and creates new connections to scale your business and lift your revenue and pro ts
  • How you get a powerful new sense of purpose in your business and the startling difference it makes as you become what Paul calls ‘a business for good’
  • How to make sure you CONNECT in an entirely different and deeper way with existing and potential customers as you embed generosity right into the DNA of your business

A unique event that gets you to the real core
Paul absolutely lights up businesses and lives right around the world. He’ll light up yours too as you get the impact of the stunning insights he shares with you in depth in this inspiring event. No one does it like him; he does it in a way that lives with you. Forever. 

Feedback that speaks volumes
Daniel Priestley, the Founder of Key Person of Influence program says: “I can’t think of anyone who has so profoundly impacted us. It’s been (and continues to be) HUGE. And Paul does it unlike anyone else I know.” 

Steve Pipe, a UK Entrepreneur of the Year says: “Paul Dunn is the best speaker I have ever seen. And it is not just his presentation style that is stunning, his content is too. His ideas and presentations transform the results of hundreds of businesses, including my own. So if you want better results, you simply must go to this event!” 

He’s right. Join us. You’ll love it. 

Price is $139  Chamber members can use code : CHAMBER  for a $39 ticket, courtesy of ActionCoach.