Opportunities 2014 – Making dollars and sense selling to the government – March 10th

February 24, 2014

The US Government alone spends more than $500 billion annually for products and services, yet each year, thousands of contracts bypass small businesses that do not know about or understand how the government buys.

“Opportunities” is your chance to learn how you can tap into this lucrative market. It is a regional biennial “reverse” trade show that allows small businesses the opportunity to meet contracting officers from over 50 federal, state, and local government agencies and prime contractors.

As a small business person at “Opportunities” you can:

  • Market your products and services directly to these agencies in ONE day with ONE sales call
  • Attend a series of seminars designed to provide the latest information on doing business with and selling products and services to the government.

Opportunities 2014: Making Dollars and Sense Selling to the Government
Monday, March 10, 2014
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
The Grove Park Inn, Asheville, NC

Cost is $70/attendee (includes registration, lunch, breaks and ice cream social)

For register, please visit www.sbtdc.org/events/opportunities. For inquiries, please call SBTDC’s Asheville office at (828) 251-6025.

Cancellations accepted until March 5th.