OnTrack WNC offers mom-daughter money buddies series

October 27, 2015

Mothers, do you want your daughters to become confident about money skills while developing your own? Ready to work on this together as a team? Mothers and daughters (ages 11-15) can attend this free, 5-session Mother-Daughter Money Buddies Series together to set personal goals, learn the basics of budgeting, understand credit, and create their own real-life savings plan. By learning about money together, families will feel empowered to start rewriting their financial stories! Mothers also receive a Credit Report and FICO Score for FREE. A light meal (sandwich & chips) will be provided at the beginning of each class to each participant.

The 5-part series runs Mondays, November 16, 23, 30, December 7 & 14 from 5:30 to 7:00 pm.

Class 1 – Overview & Savings
Discuss smart goals, needs and wants, and ways to build savings.

Class 2 – Spending Plans & Budgets
Daughters – Learn how to read a pay stub and the true cost of expenses.
Mothers – Define a budget, define types of expenses, and talk about set-aside accounts.

Class 3 – Understanding Your Credit
Daughters – Understand why credit is important and learn about credit basics.
Mothers – Learn what is in a scoring model, talk about credit myths, and discuss how to build or repair credit.

Class 4 – Influence of Advertising – Emotions & Spending
Discuss how emotions are related to spending and explore ways advertising and marketing use our emotions to sell to us.

Class 5 – Banking Services, Wrap-up and Follow-through – Bringing it All Together

OnTrack WNC helps people achieve their money and housing goals through financial education, counseling and support so that they can overcome crises, afford basic needs, improve money-management skills, and make sound financial choices rooted in their values. Rewrite Your Financial Story!

For additional information or to schedule an appointment calls OnTrack WNC at 255-5166 or toll free 1-800-737-5485 or www.ontrackwnc.org.