Mission Hospital achieves excellence recognition for workplace health

March 30, 2016

Mission Hospital in Asheville has been recognized for its commitment to employee health.  Healthy Together NC, in partnership with The Duke Endowment and the NC Hospital Association, has awarded Mission with the Excellence Recognition for reaching the highest standards in workplace health and prevention.

Mission achieved this recognition for the second consecutive year by earning straight As in four modules of WorkHealthy America, a Prevention Partners initiative addressing tobacco use, physical activity, nutrition, and the overall culture around health and wellness. The Excellence Recognition honors Mission’s commitment to employee health as demonstrated by its policies, programs and benefits to support employee health, optimize employee productivity and integrate wellness into daily operations.

“We’re very pleased that Mission has earned this recognition for two consecutive years,” said Kathy Bumgarner, Vice President for Total Rewards at Mission Health.  “Our philosophy as a healthcare system is to help our entire community be well, get well and stay well, and we know that process begins with encouraging our own employees to focus on healthy behaviors, helping them in turn be better able to deliver exceptional patient care. WorkHealthy America has provided tools and resources to help us build and sustain our ongoing efforts for a healthy workplace.”

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has acknowledged the WorkHealthy America Excellence standard as one of the highest achievements in building a healthy workplace.

”Mission Hospital sets a high bar in establishing a workplace where employees can make healthy choices,” said Meg Molloy, President and CEO of Prevention Partners. “I applaud this great effort and the commitment of Mission’s leadership in creating a culture of wellness.”