Mission Health introduces new wellness platform plans to offer to local employers

July 15, 2014

Mission Health has launched MyHealthyLifeTM WellConnect, a highly interactive wellness platform that is focused on connecting the western North Carolina region to help our community get well, stay well and be well.  MyHealthyLifeTMWellConnect provides wellness services and health management support to improve employee health and engagement, enhance productivity, help lower the costs of healthcare, and improve rates of absenteeism, presenteeism and disability.

“As western North Carolina’s own national Top 15 Health System, Mission Health is taking the lead in population health management,” said Kathy Bumgarner, Mission Health Vice President of Total Rewards. “We believe this journey starts with our own employees, making sure we have the right wellness tools and resources in place to in turn make them available to the wider employer community.”

Today’s launch focuses on nearly 5,000 of Mission Health’s own staff members, and by September will expand to the more than 8,000 eligible employees throughout Mission Health. Mission will make this same platform available to other local employers later this year.

“Mission Health understands that having healthier caregivers translates to improved patient care and better employee productivity,” said Marc B. Westle, DO, Mission Health Senior Vice President of Innovation. “An investment in employees’ wellness improves health, productivity and staff engagement, so in turn it saves the employer money. Mission wants to be a model for population health management and employer wellness services.”

MyHealthyLifeTMWellConnect features an engaging, personalized web portal accessible via computer, tablet and smartphone app. A Personal Health Assessment questionnaire identifies risk factors and provides related education to help participants understand identified risks. Participants can then use this report in health management conversations with their physicians.  Online educational content and tracking tools focus on a broad range of wellness topics, including exercise, nutrition, healthy weight management, disease management, smoking cessation and more.  In addition, the web portal offers fun and engaging wellness trackers and incentive campaigns that can tie incentives to points and/or desired wellness outcomes and support both participant and employer wellness goals.

Program participants may purchase a personal fitness tracker, the FitLinxx Pebble®, which tracks a wide range of activities including walking, running, elliptical, biking, swimming and more. This tracker automatically transmits participant activity data via offload locations and/or a personal SyncPoint. SyncPoints are already available in most Mission Health campus buildings and all western North Carolina YMCA locations, with future plans to locate more SyncPoints in high traffic areas around the region. 
For more information about MyHealthyLifeTM WellConnect contact Anna Walz, Mission Health Director of Wellness, at 828-213-3588 or anna.walz@msj.org.