Last week’s Influencer Series discussed immigration-related legislation, such as DACA. Below are Kit’s responses.
The single most important thing we can do to address effective immigration reform would be to find a way to beef up our guest worker program. That way, America gets the talent it needs and the immigrant gets the opportunity to provide for their family. A program that is flexible and easy-to-use for both the immigrant and businesses who could sponsor participants would be ideal.
When a family arrives at the US-Mexico border seeking asylum, the US government should use case workers and electronic monitoring to keep track of applicants. They should not separate families, nor should they detain them. Instead, they should work with communities and non-profits to get them placed while their cases are being assessed. It is a lot less expensive and a lot less damaging to children.
I support a pathway to citizenship for DACA recipients for the primary reason that we need their talent. Nationwide, we have about 1.3 million Dreamers. Collectively they earn $19.9 billion in total income each year and contribute more than $3 billion in taxes. They were brought here as children. We have already invested in their education. We should develop a way to allow them to become full -fledged, productive citizens.
Too soon to tell.