Junior League of Asheville conducting donation drive for chemotherapy patients

October 12, 2015

In October, Junior League of Asheville members will be collecting and donating items for chemotherapy care packages. Community members can participate in the drive by dropping off items in the designated box at Van Dyke Jewelry and Fine Craft at 29 Biltmore Ave from October 1-October 28th.

Items to be collected will include:

·         blankets
·         journals
·         crossword/puzzle books
·         calming tea
·         hard candies
·         hand lotion
·         brightly colored tote bags.

The goal of this project is to brighten the day of female cancer patients receiving chemotherapy treatments at Hope Women’s Cancer Center.   Many patients receiving chemotherapy endure long treatments that may last up to 6-8 hours at one time. JLA Members want to provide comforting and encouraging gifts that patients could use during their treatments. 

Last year, more than 30 care package gifts were put together for women receiving cancer treatment at Park Ridge Health’s Asheville Infusion location.  The patients at the clinic were overwhelmed with gratitude for the gifts. An elderly breast cancer patient who received a care package after learning her cancer had recurred, stated, “This brought tears to my eyes . . . knowing that people in the community are thinking about me, and what I am going through.”

Junior League of Asheville members hope to collect enough items to create over 50 care packages this year. The care packages will be distributed to patients at Hope Women’s Cancer Center throughout the holiday season.  

The Junior League of Asheville is a volunteer, non-profit women’s organization that has been serving the Asheville area and surrounding communities since 1925.  They are an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving our community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers.  To learn more about the Junior League, or for comments or questions, please visit our website at http://www.juniorleagueasheville.org/