InvigorHealth Solutions, LLC – helping employees reach their full potential

November 14, 2019

InvigorHealth Solutions, LLC recently launched its employee wellness service, an online platform helping create healthier, happier and more productive employees. Their team of health, wellness, and business experts bring a wealth of knowledge to the field, incorporating the most recent science-based evidence. InvigorHealth Solutions’ services promote physical, social, and emotional well-being to help employees and organizations reach their full potential.

Tell us about your business.

The founding Members have collaborated for several years and are thrilled to have launched this dynamic and comprehensive endeavor. “We very much wanted to create and offer a cost-effective program with a personal touch,” explained Co-Managing Founder, Mike Elder. “We are focused on one simple mission: to help our clients gain operational efficiencies through healthier, happier, and more productive employees.”

What experience do you strive to create for your customers?

“Our emphasis is to enhance employee wellness…which in turn enhance operational efficiencies for any business. We include all elements of physical and emotional well-being. Our goal is to achieve a life-work balance to promote efficiency and productivity,” added Co-Managing Founder AnnMaria Elder, MD. InvigorHealth Solutions strives to create a holistic health experience that is inclusive for all. Our staff and advisory board of experts are passionate about their work and love to take a hands-on approach to help people as individuals. Our unique services introduce, reinforce, encourage, and motivate employees to actively participate in daily wellness initiatives.

What do you enjoy best about working in your industry?  How do you reflect your mission in your daily work?

The importance of physical, emotional and spiritual health in today’s stressful society is paramount to quality of life. Working in the wellness field keeps us focused on new innovations, case-studies, and best practices; as well as the importance of centuries old practices such as meditation, yoga and tai chi.

Everyone involved in this organization lives out our mission on a personal level, often seeking help and expert advice in their field from co-collaborators. We all need to take the time and effort to care for ourselves, so we can care for our families and be happy and successful at work.