HomeSource Design Center displays home automation systems

November 19, 2013

HomeSource Design Center is pleased to announce the addition of home automation to its features and products. Teaming up with Controlit Inc., customers may now see and test the latest in home automation. 

Home automation can control features in your home, including: turning on/off lighting, warming up the oven, unlocking doors, and more. The home automation system installed at the design center controls lighting, music, security, and television. The entire platform is run from an in wall iPad. 
“Imagine, checking whether a light was left on in the kitchen, monitoring your home while on vacation, or even drawing a bubble bath from your iPad,”  said Ed Craft, Owner at Controlit Inc. “We are glad to be part of the HomeSource experience & we are excited for people to be able to come in and play with a Savant system, to see and feel for themselves the benefit of an automated home. Everyone knows how to use an iPad, and now with a simple app you can use your phone or tablet to control your lighting, shades, monitor your utilities, and even secure your home.”
Home automation counts toward green home certification, making it both a practical and ecological value. HomeSource Design Center prides itself with offering local and regional products. “Choosing to work with Controlit Inc to provide home automation to our clients made sense with keeping local suppliers in our showroom. People are wanting the latest technology for their homes and now they have access to plug & play with home automation,” said Tim Alexander, owner HomeSource Builders. 
To preview of the home automation system, visit the HomeSource Design Center located 172 Charlotte Street in downtown Asheville, NC.