Habitat ReStore announces 2016 Reuse Contest winners

October 4, 2016

The Asheville Habitat ReStore is pleased to announce the winners of its fifth annual ReStore ReUse Contest. The entries, ranging from furniture to trailers and everything in between, were built using predominantly reused materials. The panel of five judges selected winners in four categories: Furniture, Homesteading, Live/Work Space, and Best in Show. On-line public voting determined the winner of the People’s Choice Award.

The 2016 winners are:

Best in ShowFay Cullen; multi-room renovation done in Steampunk style, utilizing 90%+ reused, local material

Furniture Gayla Wiley; kitchen island made from schoolhouse bleachers

Homesteading – Ferrin Cole; This two-time ReUse Contest winner built an easily replicable chicken house designed to not only house up to a dozen laying hens, but also to collect rain water and grow herbs.

Live and/or Work Space – Terry Ramsey; storage shed made from reclaimed wood, tin, windows, etc.

People’s Choice – Anita Funston; A

3-dimensional portrait made from recycled kitchenware that can also be used to display jewelry.

Photos of all entries, including the winners, can be seen in this FlickR album.

The purpose of the contest is to showcase innovative projects constructed predominantly of used building materials. Entries were judged on quality of design and execution; replicability of concept; clarity of description; and quality of photos. Winner received gift certificates to the Habitat ReStore.


“This is always such an enjoyable experience for me and the other judges. We love to see how people reuse materials or repurpose them into something entirely different. We never cease to be impressed by the entrants’ creativity. For example, Ferrin Cole’s chicken house wasn’t just a chicken coop; it served other purposes as well,” said judge and ReStore General Manager Scott Stetson.

In addition to Stetson, the judging panel included:

Joel Johnson, Habitat’s Home Repair Supervisor

Jeff Tallman, 2014 ReUse Contest Winner and reuse enthusiast

Chad Balken, Balken Roofing and reuse enthusiast

Joanna Cahill, ashevilleglamping.com owner and reuse enthusiast