Epsilon’s hybrid cloud technology “SAVE’s” the day

February 24, 2014

Epsilon, Inc., a technology services provider located in Western North Carolina, saw impacts due the recent “polar vortex” that hammered the east coast of the United States with sub-zero temperatures. A burst pipe at the facility that houses their data center caused the primary and secondary cooling units to freeze overnight and shut down. This in turn caused the temperature in the data center to rise and the hardware inside to begin to overheat, testing the effectiveness of Epsilon’s patent- pending Secure Application Virtualized Environment (SAVE) hybrid cloud technology.

With the help of the continuous monitoring and alerting technology that Epsilon utilizes on its customers’ networks as a part of SAVE, Epsilon’s Solution Center technicians were immediately alerted of the issue and were dispatched to the facility and found that temperatures were reaching a critical point. They began to manually shut down the servers that host SAVE and notified their customer base of the shutdown as the cooling system was repaired.

SAVE, which includes Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) architecture, uses an on-site appliance that mimics a data center.  This form of cloud technology allows customers on-site data redundancy and computing power if an Internet connection goes down. Epsilon provides it’s SAVE technology to numerous healthcare, manufacturing, retail, financial, and education clients in Western North Carolina.  Most cloud hosted data platforms facing this type of outage would have resulted in a company experiencing a complete loss of data availability, thereby resulting in an ability to successfully operate their business and a countless amount of lost revenue.

Fortunately, the cooling units were repaired within 3 hours of the initial notification and the SAVE servers were booted back up and synced with their on-site appliances without error.  With SAVE, all customers utilizing the on-site appliance were able to continue with their work with no business interruptions throughout the outage.