Dr. Judith Orloff presents workshop on surrender at Malaprop’s – April 9th

April 1, 2014

Are you longing for your life to be easier with more fun and less drama? Would you like to stop pushing and micromanaging, so you can relax? What if you could enjoy what you have instead of always lusting for “more?” What if you could live in “the zone,” propelled by intuition toward the right people and opportunities?  If you answer “yes” to these questions and want lasting positive change, prepare to experience the ecstasy of surrender.

But isn’t surrender all about giving up? Not according to Dr. Judith Orloff in her new book, The Ecstasy of Surrender. Though surrender may seem counter-intuitive to success–it’s wrongly associated with weakness and defeat–knowing when to be assertive and when to let go is the secret to manifesting power, success, and intuition in all areas of life including work, relationships, sexuality, spirituality, radiant aging, and health. Otherwise you can sabotage success by being too pushy or a control freak.  Surrendering removes roadblocks and the exhaustion that comes from “trying too hard”—and it helps you achieve goals more effortlessly and joyfully in the flow.

Learning to surrender is an invaluable skill for anyone who wants to live more fully in the moment and radiate an irresistible lightness of being. It’s a positive intuitive way of living that increases power, inner peace, and ecstasy.

In this talk/workshop on Wednesday, April 9, at 7 pm, Dr. Orloff will discuss how to:

•        Surrender to success and stop pushing so hard you sabotage yourself
•        Identify the 3 types of surrender and how to achieve them
•        Surrender to your intuition
•        Surrender obsessive relationships & unavailable people
•        Avoid absorbing other people’s stress
•        Surrender drama, resentments, and negative thinking
•        Surrender to the wisdom of your body and sexuality
•        Surrender your fear of illness, aging and death
•        How to read body language and emotions

JUDITH ORLOFF, M.D., a psychiatrist and practicing intuitive, is an assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at UCLA. She is the author of the bestsellers Dr. Judith Orloff’s Guide to Intuitive Healing and Second Sight. She is an international lecturer on the interrelationship of intuition, energy, and medicine. Her work has been featured on NPR and CNN and in USA Today and O, The Oprah Magazine.
“This luminous book is crammed full of wisdom on every page.” –Larry Dossey, MD

“There is no real peace, happiness, or joy without surrender. This book gives your intellect the information necessary to trust the wisdom of simply letting go.” –Christiane Northrup, MD, author, ” Womens Bodies, Women’s Wisdom”

“The Ecstasy of Surrender is a stunning accomplishment. Orloff masterfully explores the multiple facets of letting go and discovering personal and spiritual freedom. This is a wonderful book.” –Caroline Myss, author of “Anatomy of the Spirit” and” Defy Gravity

“”One of the most important changes we can make is to go from seeing surrender as a sign of defeat to seeing it as a land of victory inside ourselves. In this book, Dr. Judith Orloff offers beautiful guidance and insight into making the switch.” –Marianne Williamson

“Dr. Judith Orloff not only writes eloquently about the beautiful process of surrender, but she “demonstrates” it through her open-hearted writing. She shows us the strength and power that comes from healthful vulnerability. Judith and her book The Ecstasy of Surrender are treasures!” –Doreen Virtue, author” The Miracles of Archangel Gabriel

“”The Ecstasy of Surrender: wow! I surrender to my intuition, to my wisdom, to my inner guru, and to the moment.” –Ram Dass, author of “Be Here Now”

“My wise and courageous colleague, Dr. Judith Orloff, has spun a brilliant book–The Ecstasy of Surrender–blending spiritual wisdom, modern medical insights, and Judith’s vast intuitional skills. This book will remove blocks to your inner peace, happiness, and health. I highly recommend it.” –Brian L. Weiss, MD, author of “Many Lives, Many Masters”