Consulting duo offers unique spin on communication skills for IT professionals

May 17, 2016

Drake Thomas and Angie Flynn-McIver have combined their unique training and coaching backgrounds to develop this workshop on Communication Skills for IT Professionals held on Thursday, June 23 from 9 am to 1 pm at WCU at Biltmore Park.

Technology professionals at all levels can be challenged to communicate their ideas visually in ways that connect with their audiences including how to illustrate the life cycles and the business value of their work over time. This half-day workshop looks at the challenges specific to communicating for the IT professional. Drake Thomas says he teaches technical professionals about “connecting with people who may not understand the technical aspect of our work, so that we can have successful conversations even when we are unable to solve the problem.”

Drake worked as a CIO in healthcare for many years, and specializes as a consultant in professional development and technology education. He says “the ability to communicate ideas and strategies to team members and clients is a critical aspect of anyone’s success,” and he has focused much of his career on helping technical professionals become better communicators.

Angie-Flynn McIver spent a lifetime in theatre: acting, directing, and producing. She and her husband, Charlie, founded North Carolina Stage Company in Asheville, which has won many local, regional, and national awards since its inception in 2001. Angie’s theatrical background gives her a unique approach on training. She says, “Actors know how to let go of wanting to control a conversation or a moment, and they simply let it happen. This is where the magic of coaching can take place–in the unknown, unplanned space between two people.”

This workshop will include the development of verbal, non-verbal and visual communication tools to help participants work towards becoming more effective communicators. Early bird registration is $79. Registration after June 1 will be $105.

For more information call 828-227-7397, or email, or visit to register.