Building Community at South Slope Pilates & All Things Wellness

April 5, 2023

When sisters Sydney Rubens and Andie Meder decided to move from Miami to Asheville – a “no-brainer,” they recount – they quickly started looking for a studio space. 

“We knew we wanted to start a Pilates studio, so when we found the beautiful space, previously called Clasique Acupuncture and Pilates, the idea of curating a space that combined community, wellness, and a great sweat evolved organically,” says Andie. “We have an awesome team now at South Slope Pilates and All Things Wellness and are so inspired in our collaborative meeting of the minds about new ideas and ways we can build community in our space.”

With growing families, the two sisters are thankful for the kindness they have already found in Asheville and excited for the community they are building.

Check out our full Q&A with Co-Founder Andie Meder…

Tell us about your business and the role you play in it.

Sisters, Sydney Rubens and Andie Meder, founded South Slope Pilates and All Things Wellness. The 4,000+ square foot space, located in the South Slope on McCormick Avenue, is physically and conveniently divided into two large areas: half being the exercise studio and the other half serving as a wellness collective with a variety of service providers. While the entire space may be divided, the goal is unified: we are a welcoming place where people can come together, get a great sweat in, and experience a delightful wellness treatment.

Where did your vision begin? How has it grown?

Our vision for South Slope Pilates and All Things Wellness began simultaneously with our family discussions to move to Asheville from Miami. We knew we wanted to start a pilates studio, so when we found the beautiful space, previously called Clasique Acupuncture and Pilates, the idea of curating a space that combined community, wellness, and a great sweat evolved organically. We have an awesome team now at South Slope Pilates and are so inspired in our collaborative meeting of the minds about new ideas and ways we can build community in our space.

What made you choose the Asheville area?

Choosing Asheville was a no-brainer for Sydney and Andie. We have been visiting this area of North Carolina for almost fifteen years since our mom and stepdad have a house in Burnsville. Between the welcoming people and the beautifully fresh air, we chose Asheville in hopes of contributing to the amazing sense of community that already exists here!

What has been your greatest challenge? 

Our greatest challenge has been moving to a new city (Andie with a one-year-old daughter and Sydney is currently pregnant) and trying to humbly establish ourselves in the business community. This has also been the most significant victory because of how kind, open, and supportive the Asheville community has been towards us and our vision. We are so touched by how encouraging and willing everyone has been to help. We look forward to sharing many more victories alongside our community here in Asheville!

What does the word “community” mean to you?

The word “community” means, to us, finding one’s people and connecting with them. The word also carries the wonderful responsibility of positively contributing to one’s environment. For example, one of our dreams/visions is to welcome nonprofit organizations and social gatherings in our space for special events.

Do you have anything else you’d like to share?

We are so excited to be here and a part of the Asheville community and wellness scene. Please stop by our space to say hello, take a class, and/or get a wellness service. We can’t wait to welcome all of you!