Bike racks and picnic tables installed by RiverLink and 150 CEO’s

October 7, 2014

At noon on October 7,  150 CEO’s from the outdoor recreation industry who met at the Grove Park Inn for their annual  OIA Rendezvous, descended on 144 Riverside Drive at the RiverLink Performance Plaza (where RiverMusic Concerts are held) to install permanent  bike racks and  picnic tables.  The same group came in 2010 and helped RiverLink clear all the river frontage from the now demolished  Ice House to the Performance Plaza as well as build a labyrinth at the Cotton Mill which RiverLink owns on Riverside Drive.

According to RiverLink executive director, Karen Cragnolin, “not only do these CEOs come and add their muscle and labor to these efforts , they pay for all the materials and they make a  permanent positive impact on our community. WNC is one of the most active outdoor recreation communities in the USA and its an honor and a privilege to be working with OIA Rendezvous Teams again this year. “
Approximately one half of the CEO’s will be on the river  picking up litter in boats provided by NOC. Later in the day New Belgium CEO, Jay Richardson will describe the New Belgium happenings directly across the river  from the RiverLink Performance Plaza at the New Belgium construction site.