Asheville Art Museum announces travel opportunity to the Netherlands and Belgium

March 10, 2014

The Asheville Art Museum is thrilled to announce a Museum Travelers trip to The Netherlands and Belgium October 11-19, 2014. Travelers will spend nine days/eight nights exploring the history, art and architecture of Amsterdam, Otterlo, The Hague, Utretcht, Rotterdam, Bruges, Ghent and Brussels. Travelers will stay in deluxe hotel accommodations in Amsterdam and Brussels: The Pulitzer in Amsterdam (located on the beautiful Prinzengracht canal) and at the Amigo in Brussels (located close to the historic main square of the city). 

Trip highlights include tours of historic towns, galleries and Museums in The Netherlands and Belgium. In Amsterdam, itinerary sites include the Rijksmuseum, the Van Gogh museum and the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam. Travelers will visit the Kroller-Muller Museum and sculpture park in Otterlo, both the Mauritshius and the Geementemuseum in the Hague and Rem Koolhaas’s ultra-modern Kunsthal in Rotterdam. In Bruges and Ghent, the itinerary will be full of historic architecture and art, including Bruge’s Gothic city-hall (Stadhuis), Expo Picasso, Expo Dali, the Groeningemuseum, and Belgium’s Stedelijk (known as S.M.A.K.). In Brussels, travelers will explore the palatial Royal Museums of Fine Arts.  


For more information on itinerary and pricing, and to reserve a spot on the trip, please contact Candace Reilly at creilly@ashevilleart.orgor 828.253.3227 x 120.
The initial deposit is due by March 21, so please reservations should be made soon.