Asheville Art in the Park grant opportunity now available

December 10, 2014

The Asheville Area Arts Council is very pleased to offer the Asheville Art in the Park Arts & Community Grant to qualifying committed artists in Western North Carolina in order to enhance public spaces and highlight the role of local artists within the community. 
Special thanks to Asheville Art in the Park  artist vendors for donating 10% of their sales to The Asheville Art in Park Arts and Community Grant.

Who is Eligible?

  • Individual artists, small unincorporated groups of collaborating artists, creative thinkers and doers
  • Must have been a resident of a Western North Carolina as of July 1, 2014
  • Must be at least 18 years of age

Who/What is Not Eligible?

  • Projects that have already taken place
  • Planning

What are the Guidelines?
 A strong application includes responses to many, but not necessarily all, of the following, unless indicated.

  • Provides or enhances an economic development opportunity for an individual artist, group or project
  • Supports or enhances and existing municipal plan or local strategic goal
  • Will take place or be presented in public (Strongly Suggested)
  • Addresses or ameliorates a social issue
  • Builds community and/or encourages community participation
  • Enlivens an underused or underappreciated public space
  • Creates neighborhood identity
  • Displays excellence in craftsmanship and design (Required)
  • Compliments the surrounding environment
  • The relationship of the project to community need is well defined (Required)
  • Applications should be written with a particular project in mind (Required)
  • Feasibility of proposed project and likelihood of completion one year from date of first grant distribution check. (Required)

Check out past recipients to see what kinds of projects took place under this funding. They can be viewed on our website at the link below. There will be an information session on Wednesday, December 10th from 5-6pm at the AAAC Artist Resource Center in the Grove Arcade.  All questions and RSVP for info session should be directed to Jodi John Pippin at or 828.258.0710.

For complete information about the Asheville Art in the Park Grant please visit the website. Downloadable versions of the application and guidelines are available. 


Contact Person:  Jodi John Pippin, Grants and Development Director
Contact Email:
Contact Phone:  828.258.0710
For More Information: Click Here to Visit Our Website

GRANT DEADLINE:  January 15, 2015