American Red Cross to host “Women Who Serve(d)” forum – Nov. 14th

November 7, 2017

WHAT: A can’t-miss day of exceptional speakers and workshops to inspire women who share a bond from serving in the military.  Join us for a women-led, women-focused day of empowerment and personal development. The day will be filled with authentic, no-filter discussions on how to amplify your life after the military.

WHY:The military to civilian transition is often-times more challenging for women. Successfully transitioned women share their paths (and detours) as a guide to find your true strength, illuminate options for your next chapter and actively build a support system to help you thrive. Come ready to learn, share and create your action plan for success.

FOR WHOM: Any woman who has served or is currently serving in the military … any branch, any rank, at any time. This is a perfect event for women in your company’s military/veteran affinity groups!

WHEN: Nov. 14thfrom 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Harris Conference Center, 3216 CPCC Harris Campus Dr., Charlotte, NC 28208